Categoria: windows

  • Contributions to Mageia – April 2018

    As I’m back to work on some package for Mageia… let’s resume from where we stopped also on this blog. MAINTENANCE – MAGEIA 6 and CAULDRON areca-backup 7.5 areca-backup wasn’t properly working starting from Mageia 5 because of its dependency to Java (proprietary). Consider also that areca-backup seems no longer maintained upstream (last version released…

  • Excel VBA – How it can speed up your work and ruin your reputation

    The Hell of multiple instances and why you should really avoid to use it in production (about) Five months have passed since my last post and now I’m back again to tell you a story I’ve gone through: this one particularly tells of Excel VBA invoking Outlook passing through multiple instances of EXCEL32*. During the…

  • ShutDown when I want

    ShutDownAdv Considering that on Windows XP x64 and on all the Vista versions the shutdown executable accepts a delay of 600 seconds only, I’ve written this basic utility using dotNet. —————- Considerato il fatto che su Windows XP x64 e su Windows Vista l’eseguibile per lo shutdown è stato castrato con un delay massimo di…

  • KioskManager

    KioskManagerSetup Ecco una semplice utility – Kiosk Manager – (realizzata in dotNet) atta a semplificare la realizzazione di un chiosco in ambiente windows XP / Vista. Su Vista ricordatevi di eseguirla con privilegi di amministratore. Piccolo howto: * All’avvio viene richiesto subito se si è sicuri di avere avviato l’applicazione con diritti di amministratore. *…