Categoria: centos

  • qbittorrent3 & screenfetch for CentOS 6.3

    Following my previous post, I’m still updating my custom packages for my CentOS 6 installation. I added screenfetch to my small collection 🙂 QBittorrent version 3.0.0 introduces some new features and few bugfixes as you can read from its changelog. Screenfetch is a niece piece of free software that I’m maintaining for Mageia so, why…

  • qbittorrent and filezilla on CentOS 6.2

    Yesterday I’ve installed a fresh CentOS 6.2 on my small home pc which aims to be a small server 🙂 After I’ve installed and configured apache, samba and similar stuff, I enabled some additional repositories to install additional software. I was stuck when I was not able to find qbittorrent and filezilla. Even with these…