qbittorrent and filezilla on CentOS 6.2

Yesterday I’ve installed a fresh CentOS 6.2 on my small home pc which aims to be a small server 🙂

After I’ve installed and configured apache, samba and similar stuff, I enabled some additional repositories to install additional software. I was stuck when I was not able to find qbittorrent and filezilla.

Even with these applications missing, CentOS, Scientific Linux and, obviously, Red Hat Enterprise Linux are still great GNU/Linux distros!

However I’ve found on rpm.pbone.net some packages but they were old versions packages and more than anything I wasn’t sure to trust them.

So my answer was “I don’t trust them and I need newer versions of these applications“. That’s why I built my own small repository containing my homemade packages:

qbittorrent 2.9.7 on CentOS 6.2
FileZilla 3.5.3 on CentOS 6.2

Feel free to use it, if you trust me 😉

You can copy/paste the text block below into /etc/yum.repos.d/Matteo Pasotti.repo to enable the yum repository.

### Name: xQuiet RPM Repository for CentOS 6
### URL: http://Matteo Pasotti.eu/repos/centos/
[Matteo Pasottirepo]
name = CentOS $releasever - Matteo Pasotti.eu
baseurl = http://Matteo Pasotti.eu/repos/centos/$releasever.2/$basearch/
enabled = 1

Or directly download the file from this place.

Some references:



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